Saturday, March 29, 2008

Good Morning 2008!!!

First of all, we want to wish Andrew Moore a Happy Birthday!!!
Hey! Yes, I know, it's been a loooooooooong time since I've updated this thing. There have been alot of changes at OJABOM Media. Just about everyone involved is in a different state! I'm talking physical states, not mental (as if that would be anything out of the ordinary). Alot of folks are still in Michigan, but it's just not the same (so I've been told).

Anyway, we're all out trying to find greener pastures or something. If anything happens, you will definitely read about it here.
In the meantime, OJABOM Media on Myspace will keep you updated with the piddley little details.

I know, I know... not much of an update, but at least we're now in 08 with everyone else.

More to come!

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