Monday, April 30, 2007

I Wish We Were Millionaire Sweethearts

Welcome back!
Okay... my original intention was to upload Shrimpanzee Vol. 1 first and then go from there, but then I realized that the original mix(es) were much too quiet for public consumption. I will do what needs to be done and get it up here in the near future... in the meantime, here is Shrimpanzee Volume 2 in all it's naive, lo-fi glory!

Shrimpanzee Volume 2 was recorded in my apartment (a.k.a. Purgatory Sound) in Milford, Michigan in the summer of 2003.

Recorded mostly with a digital editing suite of some design (there's some 4-track magic in there somewhere), I, johnmoore, recorded the bulk of the material by myself. Remember, this was 4 years ago... I didn't (and still don't) know alot about computers!

One standout track, "Glissando Datanaozap" was a collaboration with my good friend Dan Cowlin (who eventually became full-time bassman),

3 others (Surf-Bound Train, the Score, and Empty Flask) were recorded with original Shrimpanzee member and phantom writer Joe Blanchard. He wrote "Surf-Bound Train" and "Empty Flask"... "the Score" was co-written with m'self.

"Bleeding Hearts" is a song written by my father, John Marshall Moore (I'm not a junior... we have different middle names)... I've always liked this song alot. Actually, I like most of his songs... the guy has a ton of songs... I will post a blog about him sometime in the future.

"chickenbananafrog (fish)" is one in a long line of chicken-themed songs in the Shrimpanzee catalog. This one is a collaboration between myself and my (then) 8 year old son, Andrew. This is definitely a masterpiece.

The last collaboration on this album is the full-length version of "the Initial Feed". This song originally appeared on the Empty Flask e.p. that Joe Blanchard and I put together before this full-length came together. It features Mr Jeffrey Dajos on alto sax, and it is somewhat of a "ballet" I suppose. The e.p.'s liner notes actually had a play-by-play meant to be read while listening to this piece. Basically, it's the story of a surfer who wipes out, sinks to the bottom of the ocean, and has to contend with an obnoxious octopus. Eventually he (the surfer) makes it back to dry land where he has a spiritual awakening in a nightclub (and meets the octopus again in his vision). Nonsense really, but who am I to judge?

The rest of the tracks were written by me. My favorite is definitely "Millionaire Sweethearts". I wrote this song for and dedicate it to my amazing friend Christina Joy.

If you read this far, you're definitely going to want to listen to this mess of an album. Thank you, and please leave a comment!

p.s. here's a list of Shrimpanzee recordings for your extreme boredom:
  • Shrimpanzee Volume 1 (spring 2003)
  • the Empty Flask e.p. (summer 2003)
  • Shrimpanzee Volume 2 (summer 2003)
  • Orange (fall 2003)
  • Oddities (winter 2004)
  • Live at the Over Tyme (summer 2004)
  • Super Worm Sketchbook (summer 2004)
  • Live at IAG (spring 2007)
all albums "released" on OJABOM Media


Dick Jones said...

I like shrimpanzee.

John Mendoza Moore said...

Shrimpanzee likes Jeffrey.